Commercial Bean to Cup Coffee Machines

Commercial Bean to Cup Coffee Machines are a general group of commercial coffee machines that have been designed to be fully automated. At the touch of a button they match the processes performed on traditional coffee machines, from grinding the beans; foaming the milk and brewing the espresso. If you want more in-depth knowledge on commercial bean to cup coffee machines, you might find what is a bean to cup coffee machine useful.

For the best priced commercial bean to cup coffee machine packages please contact us. Some machines have around 15+ features so it is important to choose a machine that fits your requirements and you understand what features you need to make your coffee experience a success.

Lease from £13.12 p/w
From £1,649.00
Lease from £25.00 p/w
From £3,149.00
Lease from £23.24 p/w
From £3,395.00
Lease from £22.89 p/w
From £4,298.00
Lease from £29.98 p/w
From £4,699.00
Lease from £34.77 p/w
From £5,595.00
Lease from £36.00 p/w
From £7,095.00
Lease from £49.35 p/w
From £8,745.00
Lease from £47.28 p/w
From £8,845.00
Lease from £48.08 p/w
From £8,995.00
Lease from £61.99 p/w
From £12,395.00

Commercial Bean To Cup machines come in various brands and models that you can see on this page. We have options that are suitable for offices and if you are stuck for where to start you can read our handy blog on how to pick the best office coffee machine.

Bean to Cups are also popular where there is a high turnover of staff or a low quantity of barista trained staff. Some of the Bean To Cups are so advanced now that they would rival around 80% of Barista’s especially models like the Franke A600 FoamMaster and the Crew CM90 that actually whip the milk as well as frothing it producing an extremely dense a luxurious milk foam. However even machines like the WMF 1500, Melitta XT5 and CM70 allow for realtime adjustment of air intake so you can dictate the size of the bubbles in your froth! The espresso systems inside the coffee making section of the bean to cup machine now mimic a lot of the barista controls. You have:

  • Fine and course grind control – Copying the settings on a commercial coffee grinder
  • mls of water – The control of espresso shots
  • PID tempertature control – Like that found on the iconic Sanremo Verona RS
  • Some will even mix chocolate to your latte turning it into a Mocha.

The main idea with a Bean To Cup should be to provide a barista style coffee at the same quality as a barista otherwise it will not fulfil your requirement.

In the case of an office if you skimp on the price of your commercial coffee machine you will find that your colleagues still leave the office to get a better cup of coffee from their favourite chain so your perk turns into not so much of a perk for your colleagues and you will hear constant complaints about the coffee machine etc.

In the case of a business selling their coffee. Competition is fierce if you don’t buy a machine that’s up to the job you could find yourself being beaten by the local petrol station etc. People don’t say “lets go their for a coffee its cheap” they say “lets go there for a coffee, they do a great coffee!”

With an average cost per cup ranging from 20p to 35p the cost to provide a big perk or indeed the profits are very attractive for any business. Talk to one of our advisors who can ensure that you get a bean to cup price and model that is right for your business.